Introduction to MateSel
Introduction1 quiz
Making Genetic Gain
Making genetic gain -
The four key factors for genetic gainAccuracy
Generation length
Genetic variation
Breeding ValuesEstimated Breeding Values and ASBVs?
Selection IndexesWhy use an index?
Choosing the right index1 quiz
What if I want a different index?
Breeding Program DesignBreeding objectives1 quiz
Data quality
Inbreeding and genetic diversity
Balancing genetic gain and genetic diversity
MateSelIntroduction to MateSel1 quiz
MateSel is a tool available to Sheep Genetics client’s to help with mate selection and allocation. The program created by Brain Kinghorn, formerly of University of New England, assists in balancing emphasis on genetic gain and maintenance of genetic diversity.
Mating outcomes will be reported by submitting a list of possible males, possible females, desired gains as well as constraints on long term and short term inbreeding. The program will run to get the best possible choice of individuals to select and the best arrangement of mate selection/allocation.
The program builds a frontier as it is running the algorithm, where each point on the frontier represents an optimal mating list for the corresponding relative emphasis on progeny index and parental co-ancestry. An example of the frontier is given below (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Sheep Genetics MateSel interface and end frontier
When the MateSel run is complete a number of outputs are generated:
- Sires used.
- Number of matings per sire.
- List of all the matings generated.
- Predicted outcomes from each mating
- ASBVs for each trait.
- Inbreeding coefficient.