How do I log in to The Toolbox?
The Toolbox has been developed so that you can easily sign in using your existing MyMLA login. To login, click the Sign in button on the top right-hand corner of this page.
If you don’t have a MyMLA login, it is very easy to sign up by clicking here and following the prompts. If you have any issues logging in, please contact the MLA team at
How do I accessing training packages?
Training packages are the eLearning modules that have been created for extending best management practices. You can access training packages on The Toolbox in different ways:
- on the Library page select the training package you would like to complete. On the librarypage, you will see the training packages broken down into categories and sorted into levels ‘Introduction’, ‘In-depth’ and ‘Advanced’. It is recommended that you work through packages from Introduction to Advanced to have the best learning experience
- if you are logged in, you can click on your name in the top right hand coner of the page and from the drop down, you can select training packages. This will take you to all training packages available to you
- if you are not logged in, you can scroll down to available training packages on the homepage.

To access some training packages, you need to be logged in to The Toolbox. Training packages are tagged to identify if you can currently access them or not:
- START TRAINING PACKAGE: This green tag indicates that you do NOT have to be logged in to access this package, however if you are not logged in, your progress through the package will not be recorded. This package is free to access
- FREE: This yellow tag indicates that you must be logged in to access this package, however it is open to all logged in users to complete for free
- NOT ENROLLED: This yellow tag indicates that this training package is a closed package that can only be accessed by users enrolled in a specific MLA training program, or by purchasing the package. If there is cost associated with this package, there will be a price point indicated as part of the package description.

Is The Toolbox free to use?
Yes. The Toolbox is free to use. Some packages have been created for use by those enrolled in MLA adoption programs. To access these packages you must be undertaking an extension program with MLA. To find out how to get involved with MLA extension programs, email
What if I can't find the training package I'm looking for?
We are constantly updating The Toolbox’s training package library. If there is specific content that you would like to see covered in our training packages, contact us at to discuss.
As an employer, how can I see if my employees have completed a training package?
Employers have the ability to receive custom reports from MLA indicating employee completion rate. MLA can also develop training packages or enroll employees in specific package bundles to aid in professional development.
If you are en employer and would like to use The Toolbox training packages as part of your company’s professional development, contact MLA at
How can I provide feedback?
To provide feedback, please fill in this quick survey.
You can also email to provide additional feedback or ask questions.