Item 6 of 22
In Progress

Identifying opportunities to benefit from innovation and efficiencies

MLA & AWI July 31, 2024

The opportunity to bring about efficiency in in pastoral operations exists with saving in costs of production, or improved prices for products. 

It is not always possible to make significant and direct change in these two areas, however, looking for areas to save time, combine activities, improve safety or add infrastructure to assist with operational tasks can have immense impact on the efficiency of tasks. 

Sheep performance is an area where opportunities often exist to improve efficiency of production, and boost performance. The running costs of each and every ewe on a pastoral property is the same irrespective of her performance. By taking a little time to undertake activities which can fit easily within other operations (e.g., wet and drying at lamb marking), ewes that have not reared lambs are easily identified and decisions can be made about the role of these animals in the flock into the future.  

Consider whether there are opportunities for diversification and innovation. Organic production is one method which has proved useful to some pastoral sheep operators, to boost profitability through access to organic markets which offer higher prices in some cases.