Item 12 of 22
In Progress

Dry sheep equivalent

MLA & AWI July 31, 2024

The dry sheep equivalent (DSE) is a standard unit used to compare the feed requirements of different classes of stock. 

One DSE is based on the energy required by a 50 kg wether to maintain condition score 3 and body weight. Animals with a higher feed requirement than 1 DSE (e.g., a lactating ewe or one weighing more than 50 kg) will have a higher DSE rating. 

To estimate a DSE figure for stock, an estimate of standard reference weight (SRW) and the class of stock is required. SRW refers to the weight of a non-pregnant (dry) ewe, in condition score 3, bare shorn, with no gut fill. 

The Standard reference weight calculator tool can be used to perform this calculation. 

Total grazing pressure is determined by attributing a DSE rating to the different species grazing in a paddock. The Glove Box Guide to Tactical Grazing Management uses the ratings for different species as follows: 

  • 50 kg wether = 1 DSE 
  • 500 kg dry cow = 8 DSE 
  • goat = 1 DSE 
  • kangaroo = 0.75 DSE  
  • rabbit = 0.1 DSE 

Further details of DSE ratings for different classes of domestic and non-domestic animals are provided in the Calculate DSEs for your property tool. 

When calculating DSEs note they will vary according to class of animal throughout the year. A breeding ewe will have varying DSE rating over the year according to her reproductive status.