Module 11: Healthy and contented sheep

MLA & AWI · July 26, 2024


Module 11 ‘Healthy and Contended Sheep’ outlines the importance of managing the health and welfare of your flock. This module also outlines how to manage sheep parasites and diseases in a cost-effective manner to maximise enterprise profitability.

Learning outcomes

On completing this module you should be able to:

  • Maintain the condition of your flock (i.e. recognise the importance of managing sheep nutrition).
  • Develop and implement a health management plan (i.e. recognise the diseases that pose a risk to your operation).
  • Develop and implement a biosecurity plan (i.e. understand the basic biosecurity requirements when buying and selling sheep).
  • Actively manage sporadic disease outbreaks (i.e. recognise and investigate poor sheep health and take early action).
  • Meet animal wellbeing requirements (e.g., employ low stress stock handling and prevent issues from occurring).

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12 Training packages

Open Registration

Training package Includes

  • 8 Items
  • 3 Quizzes