Module 8: Turn Pasture into Product

MLA & AWI · July 29, 2024


MMFS Module 8 Turn Pasture into Product is about getting the best alignment between animal demand and pasture supply so as much pasture as possible ends up as animal product, without jeopardising the feedbase or natural resources. Increases in pasture utilisation must be made in ways that not only increase animal production but also reduce costs and account for natural resource management risks. 

A key process for converting pasture into product is to measure, manage and monitor pasture supply, animal demand and risk. 

Learning outcomes

On completing this module you should be able to: 

  • determine annual feed supply (i.e. whole-farm feed supply, including seasonal variability and quality). 
  • calculate animal demand (i.e. define the feed requirements for different classes of sheep and consider growth targets).
  • match animal demand to feed supply to minimise risk (i.e. measure, manage and monitor any mismatch between supply and demand and minimise exposure to changing seasonal conditions). 

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12 Training packages

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Training package Includes

  • 13 Items
  • 3 Quizzes