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DNA technologies in beef breeding
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Introduction1 quiz -
DNA technologies in beef breedingWhat is DNA?
Sample types used for DNA testing1 quiz
Applications of DNA technologies in beef breedingApplications of DNA technologies in beef breeding
Parentage verification1 quiz
Management of genetic conditions
Management of qualitative traits1 quiz
Use in genetic evaluation2 Topics|1 quiz
ConclusionConclusion1 quiz
Genetic conditions are caused by an abnormality in an individual’s DNA.
The incidence of a single genetic condition is normally rare in a population, but the existence of genetic conditions is common:
- Over 400 different genetic conditions have been identified in cattle.
- All breeds can experience genetic conditions
- Most genetic conditions do not have DNA tests available
- Some examples of genetic conditions found in beef breeds include Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE), Developmental Duplication (DD) and Factor XI Deficiency (F11).
Genetic conditions are often associated with:
- Poor growth and fertility performance
- Structural unsoundness
- Varying levels of lethality
- Some are semi-lethal (not all affected individuals survive to maturity)
- Others are lethal (no affected individual survive to maturity)
The majority of genetic conditions seen in beef cattle are:
- Controlled by a single gene
- Have a simple recessive inheritance and are expressed in progeny who receive a copy of the recessive allele from both their sire and their dam.
- More likely to be expressed in populations with high levels of inbreeding.
Three possible genotypes:
- Free (zero copies of the genetic condition allele; does not have the genetic condition)
- Carrier (one copy of the genetic condition allele; does not have the genetic condition)
- Affected (two copies of the genetic condition allele; has the genetic condition)

Where available, DNA tests for genetic conditions can be used to manage and/or eliminate the genetic condition in a population.
The surest way to avoid the incidence of affected animals is to only use bulls that have been tested free of that genetic condition
- When the genetic condition status of both parents is known, other strategies to manage the prevalence of carriers and incidence of affected animals are available
Optional reading: Further information can be found in this Managing Genetic Conditions article.