Module 8: Turn Pasture into Product
Introduction1 quiz -
Turn Pasture into ProductKnow the feed supply
Understand the variability of the feed supply curve
Identify opportunities to change the feed supply curve
Define the feed requirements for different classes of sheep
Set condition score or liveweight targets for different stages of the year
Modify the animal demand curve to match the pasture supply curve
Set trigger points to cope with seasonal variation
Monitor stock and pastures and prepare feed budgets to match pasture supply with animal demand
Consider seasonal adjustment of stock to suit the conditions
Achieving even pasture utilisation
Plan for drought1 quiz
SummarySummary1 quiz
Understand the variability of the feed supply curve
MLA & AWI July 31, 2024
Pasture supply varies from year to year and between locations. The variability of pasture growth between years is an indicator of risk and affects the ability to set an optimal stocking rate target or the reliability of a particular time of year for lambing.
To better understand feed supply and assess the variability between years, construct a pasture supply curve for each of the main pasture types on a single graph.
For each pasture supply curve, draw estimates of how much higher these lines might be above the average (the one-in-five best years) and how much lower the lines might be than average (the one-in-five worst years). The closer all three lines are together in any one month, the less variability there is between years.
The MLA Feed demand calculator can generate a feed supply curve by using recorded pasture growth rates or by using standard average values based on a given region.