Stocking rate calculator
The stocking rate calculator is designed to determine the number of cattle or sheep you should put into a paddock based on its carrying capacity.
Pasture trial network
This tool allows you to assess and compare the performance of more than 100 pasture varieties across the key pasture species for the red meat industry, including phalaris, cocksfoot, tall fescue, perennial and annual ryegrass, sub-clover and lucerne.
Feedbase planning and budgeting tool
This tool assists with: planning rotational grazing systems, determining appropriate stocking rates, calculating pasture growth rates, determining how long paddocks will last and calculating the most economical ration stock.

Feed demand calculator
This calculator allows producers to gain an appreciation of the pattern of feed supply and demand over a twelve-month period, the location of "feed gaps" and the ways in which modifying the livestock enterprise might help to close these gaps.
Pasture improvement calculator
This calculator helps to determine the costs and benefits of upgrading existing pastures,
improving infrastructure, applying capital rates of fertiliser and establishing new pastures.
Soil phosphorus tool
This tool is intended to assist farmers in determining suitable levels of P-fertilisation of temperate pastures grazed by sheep and beef cattle on acid soils in southern Australia.
Other tools
Click here to go to view other tools on the MLA website.
Feed demand calculator
This calculator allows producers to gain an appreciation of the pattern of feed supply and demand over a twelve-month period, the location of "feed gaps" and the ways in which modifying the livestock enterprise might help to close these gaps.