Introduction to Sheep Genetics
The basics
Introducing Sheep Genetics1 quiz -
What goes into an ASBV1 quiz
Identification of individual animals1 quiz
Measuring traits
Pedigree1 quiz
Other factorsManagement groups1 quiz
Linkage1 quiz
Process of receiving ASBVsSubmitting data
Getting results
Setting a Breeding ObjectiveSetting a breeding objective1 quiz
Making genetic gain in your flockGenetic gain
MateSel1 quiz
SummarySummary1 quiz

Before you start submitting your data and receiving ASBVs you must have a Sheep Genetics account! Please create a Sheep Genetics account on the search site if you have not already done so. A link to this will be provided upon completion of this module.
After recording your data, you should submit it in a timely manner. The greater the time between data collection and data submission, the more difficult it will be to remember and rectify recording mistakes or errors. Submitting your data promptly gives you the ability to fix problems while they are still front of mind and allows you and your clients to access up-to-date ASBVs as early as possible.
The data you submit should include:
- Sheep Genetics 16 digit ID for each individual animal
- pedigree
- fixed effect information, including birth type, rear type and date of birth
- measurements for traits
- dates of measurement
- management groups
The data should be recorded in a compatible software program, a list of which can be found on the Sheep Genetics website. A link to this will be provided upon completion of this module.
It is important to run data validation within your software program which will identify any potential errors prior to inclusion in the evaluation. After running validation and correcting any data errors, create an export of the data within your software and upload it to Sheep Genetics via the submission portal. This will automatically run a secondary validation to pick up any further errors.
If you require help entering your data, we have a list of data managers available on the Sheep Genetics website.
Please ensure you send your file before 5pm NSW time on the date of the run
- MERINOSELECT and DOHNE: 7th and 21st of each month.
- LAMBPLAN Maternal and Terminal, and KIDPLAN: 1st and 15th of each month.
- When these dates fall on a weekend or NSW public holiday, the run is brought forward to the business day before.