Introduction to Sheep Genetics
The basics
Introducing Sheep Genetics1 quiz -
What goes into an ASBV1 quiz
Identification of individual animals1 quiz
Measuring traits
Pedigree1 quiz
Other factorsManagement groups1 quiz
Linkage1 quiz
Process of receiving ASBVsSubmitting data
Getting results
Setting a Breeding ObjectiveSetting a breeding objective1 quiz
Making genetic gain in your flockGenetic gain
MateSel1 quiz
SummarySummary1 quiz
Once your data is submitted into an analysis run, Sheep Genetics generates a large datafile for each analysis (MERINOSELECT and LAMBPLAN) which is sent to OVIS for genetic evaluation. OVIS is run by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), who are based in Armidale. It takes up to two weeks for ASBVs to be reported from each analysis after the run cut-off date.

If you submitted data in a run, you will receive an email notification that the results have been published. This email will prompt you to log on to the Sheep Genetics website, where you can view these results.
The results include ASBVs and indexes, and reports which include genetic trends, list of exclusions, genomic pedigree inconsistencies and data summaries. These are available for you to overview in the ‘Reports’ section of your Sheep Genetics profile. It is important to go through each of these reports to see the progress in your flock’s ASBVs and to correct any errors. You can also download your ASBVs and update them into your software for your own use.

ASBVs are also available on the Sheep Genetics search site for you to view, and for others to view if you have chosen to list your ASBVs publicly. You may wish to start your membership with privately listed ASBVs, meaning that only you can view your animals and ASBVs. This web search listing can be updated at any time by contacting Sheep Genetics.