Module 12: Efficient pastoral production

MLA & AWI · July 25, 2024


Module 12 Efficient Pastoral Production is designed to help pastoral sheep producers increase the productivity and profitability of their enterprise. 

This pastoral-specific module has been developed within the context of Australia’s pastoral zones, taking into consideration issues and management perspectives pertinent to these areas. 

The pastoral area extends across low-rainfall areas, including semi-arid and arid, and also some seasonally high-rainfall zones. The pastoral zone is generally defined as an area in which native pastures and shrubs are grazed by introduced domestic herbivores (sheep, cattle, goats), feral herbivores (goats, donkeys, horses, camels, rabbits) and large native herbivores (kangaroos). 

Learning outcomes

On completing this module you should be able to: 

  • prepare a property plan, assess current production systems and understand some of the management options available to pastoral producers 
  • outline ways to incorporate efficiencies, establish grazing management objectives, asses different grazing management systems and monitor performance 
  • calculate grazing pressure, understand dry sheep equivalents (DSEs) and match the production cycle to feed quality and quantity 
  • develop a pest animal management plan and understand approaches to controlling predator animals and managing competing grazing species 
  • explain the importance of conditioning pastures to respond to rainfall – including understanding the options in good and poor seasons and how to monitor natural resources. 

About Instructor


12 Training packages

Open Registration

Training package Includes

  • 22 Items
  • 3 Quizzes