Module 4: Capable and confident people

MLA & AWI · August 2, 2024


This module focuses on the people who are important to a business, whether they are family members, owners or employees, advisors or contractors. It offers practical ways to boost capacity, capability and confidence through more effective communication, long-term planning and leadership. 

Learning outcomes

On completing this module you should be able to:  

  • define a business culture and the behaviours that ensure culture can be demonstrated  
  • develop and maintain a professional business underpinned by effective communication  
  • develop a clear organisational structure, create meaningful job descriptions and determine suitable remuneration packages for specific roles within a business  
  • mentor a team to ensure capability development  
  • develop a sustainable work–life balance  
  • create a safe and happy work environment.  

About Instructor


12 Training packages

Open Registration

Training package Includes

  • 8 Items
  • 3 Quizzes