
When left uncontrolled, populations of annual grass weeds reduce the quality and productivity of sub-clover based pastures and, eventually, out-compete desirable species. Winter cleaning is an effective tactic to reduce annual grass weeds with short seed viability.

If winter cleaning of pastures is carried out correctly, it can lift livestock productivity, while becoming a valuable weed management tool.

Learning objectives

At the completion of this module producers will be able to:

  • understand how to best utilise winter cleaning of pastures within their production system 
  • confidently identify the seasonal timing to undertake winter cleaning of pastures 
  • understand the management considerations that need to be identified prior to winter cleaning pastures.

References and more information

  1. Dowling PM, Leys AR and Plater B (1997) Effect of herbicide and application of superphosphate and subterranean clover seed on regeneration of vulpia in pastures, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 37(4), 431–438.
  2. Keys MJ (1998) Pasture plant-back periods following the application of simazine to control Vulpia spp. In: Proceedings of the 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia, Australian Society of Agronomy Inc.
  3. MLA fact sheet: How do I manage grazing to maximise sub-clover seed set?
  4. Dear BS, Conlan DJ, Richards MF and Coombes NE (1992) Influence of cultivar and season on the response of Trifolium subterraneum to simazine, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 32, 1095–1103.
  5. Sandral G and Dear B (2005). Weed control options in annual pastures legumes, RIRDC Publication No 05/102, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, ACT. RIRDC report No 05/102. RIRDC, ACT.
  6. Keys M, Leys A, Milne B and Gammie D (1990) Annual grass control in pastures with simazine. In: Proceedings of the Grassland Society of NSW 5th Conference, 109–110, Grassland Society of NSW Inc, Queanbeyan, NSW.
  7. Nichols, C (2000) Silver grass control aided by winter cleaning, Grassland Society of Victoria Inc Newsletter, Mornington, Victoria.
  8. An M, Pratley JE, Haig T and Jellet P (1997) Genotypic variation of plant species to the allelopathic effects of Vulpia residues, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 37, 6 47– 6 6 0.


Lisa Miller and Jess Brogden, Southern Farming Systems
Cam Nicholson, Nicon Rural Services

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Meat & Livestock Australia

MLA’s purpose is to foster the long-term prosperity of the Australian red meat and livestock industry by investing in research and marketing activities. Through it's subsidiary companies, MLA also accelerates innovation across the value chain and delivers the industry’s integrity and on-farm quality assurance programs. Care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in all eLearning modules. However, MLA cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in the training packages. You should make your own enquiries before making decisions concerning your interests. MLA accepts no liability for any losses incurred if you rely solely on this material and excludes all liability as a result of reliance by any person on such information or advice. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are expressly reserved. Requests for further authorisation should be directed to the Content Manager, PO Box 1961, North Sydney, NSW 2059 or info@mla.com.au. © Meat & Livestock Australia 2020 ABN 39 081 678 364. MLA acknowledges the matching funds provided by the Australian Government to support the research and development detailed in this eLearning module.

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