
Genetics, nutrition and management all impact a producer’s ability to meet market specifications. Having an efficient, value-based marketing process in place enables lamb and sheepmeat producers to capitalise on the benefits of an efficient production system.

This module is designed to help sheep producers deliver quality assured lamb and sheepmeat to target market specifications. It integrates technical aspects of the production system with the marketing process enabling them to:

  • Better manage the production system and price risks
  • Meet market specifications and consumer expectations for eating quality
  • Improve business profitability through a better understanding of the marketing process.

Effective integration of production and marketing benefits lamb and sheepmeat businesses in the following ways:

  • Best quality product to market: Knowing the weight and fat specifications is the basis for successfully supplying a target market with a quality assured and consistent sheepmeat product and achieving best financial returns.
  • Knowing the cost of production: A key factor affecting profitability and an important step to assessing and improving the performance of a lamb and sheepmeat enterprise.
  • Enhanced feed use efficiency: Timing key operations to maximise production per hectare, matching the system to land capability and supplying target markets with quality product that meets specifications all combine to enhance feed use efficiency.
  • Using the best available selling options: Assessing the advantages and disadvantages, costs involved and likely returns of each selling method helps select the most appropriate option.
  • Supply chain approach to production and marketing: Applying the principles of supply chain management can benefit production efficiency and reduce risk for supply chain partners.
  • Monitoring, measurement and continuous improvement: Accurate and regular monitoring and measuring are the keys to benchmarking production efficiency and implementing continuous improvement in productivity and profitability.

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