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Introduction to Sheep Genetics
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The basics
Introducing Sheep Genetics1 quiz -
What goes into an ASBV1 quiz
Identification of individual animals1 quiz
Measuring traits
Pedigree1 quiz
Other factorsManagement groups1 quiz
Linkage1 quiz
Process of receiving ASBVsSubmitting data
Getting results
Setting a Breeding ObjectiveSetting a breeding objective1 quiz
Making genetic gain in your flockGenetic gain
MateSel1 quiz
SummarySummary1 quiz
MateSel can be used to select which rams and ewes to mate to make genetic gain whilst managing genetic diversity and inbreeding. This program uses pedigree, index and ASBV information directly from the Sheep Genetics database. MateSel will provide mating allocations by submitting a list of possible sires and ewes, information about your breeding program (e.g., how many times a sire can be used), your breeding objective, as well as any constraints on inbreeding and co-ancestry. MateSel is free to use for all Sheep Genetics clients, however training and the passing of an assessment is required.

For more detailed information, visit the MateSel page on the Sheep Genetics website. A link to this will be provided upon completion of this module.