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Visual indicators of soil condition
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Pasture growth
In the paddock1 quiz -
Indicator 1 - dark green patches1 quiz
Indicator 2 - yellowing pastures1 quiz
Indicator 3 - grass dominant pasture1 quiz
Indicator 4 - stock camps1 quiz
Indicator 5 - reduced summer growth1 quiz
Indicator 6 - lucerne stunting1 quiz
Sub-Clover and Legume NodulationPlants and pastures
Indicator 7 - small, dark green leaves1 quiz
Indicator 8 - bronzing of sub-clover1 quiz
Indicator 9 - stunted sub-clover plants1 quiz
Indicator 10 - few or white nodules1 quiz
Soil CharacteristicsSoil surface and clover roots
Indicator 11 - soil surface1 quiz
Indicator 12 - soil disturbance1 quiz
Weeds as Indicators of Soil ConditionHigh fertility indicators1 quiz
Low fertility indicators1 quiz
Item 12 of 17
In Progress
Indicator 10 – few or white nodules
Meat & Livestock Australia April 4, 2020
What do you see and when?

- Few or whitish nodules on legume roots
- Observed 12 weeks after germination to early spring.
What could this indicate?

Inadequate nodulation. There could be many reasons for poor nodulation including:
- Soil acidity and high soil aluminium.
- Insufficient rhizobia in the soil as a result of cropping for many years.
- Residual herbicide damage.
- Molybdenum deficiency.
- Sulphur deficiency.
What test can I do to confirm?
- Inspect nodules. Look for many big pinkish coloured nodules rather than small white nodules.
- Conduct nodulation score.
- Examine cropping history as soil rhizobia declines after three years without a host.
- Tissue test clover leaves with reference to molybdenum.
- Test strips of sulphur and molybdenum fertiliser.