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Establishing a new pasture
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Introduction1 quiz -
Investment into the feedbase
Dry matter productionOptimising establishment
How do I measure dry matter (DM)?
Pasture composition1 quiz
Establishing pasturesPreparation
Incorporating companion legumes
Pasture legumes in mixed farming zones
Managing the establishment phase1 quiz
SummaryPasture establishment checklist1 quiz
Growing new pastures or improving existing pastures requires the significant investment of time and money.
Maximise the return on that investment by considering:
- the condition and constraints of the soil in the selected paddocks, using soil tests to establish nutrient deficiencies
- correct rates and application methods for fertiliser and nutrients prior to, during and post-sowing
- paddock preparation including fallow management, weed and pest control and moisture retention
- seeding techniques according to machinery availability and rate, depth, row spacings, and seed and fertiliser placement
- short and long-term seasonal climatic forecasts which support key dates for activities
- pre and post-emergent weed and pest control
- initial and subsequent grazing management.

How do I know if my pastures are not performing?
Start by monitoring and assessing dry matter (DM) production of existing pastures. Pasture mass and feed on offer (FOO) are both terms used to describe how much pasture is present in a paddock. Pasture mass typically assumes 300kg DM (0.5cm) is unavailable to livestock, while FOO includes all above-ground plant material. Thus, estimates of pasture mass are lower than the same estimate of FOO.