Stock are likely to eat increased quantities of these treated plants. This may cause nitrate or nitrite poisoning and/or liver damage. The more broadleaf weeds present, the higher the chances of poisoning, especially if the paddock has high soil nitrogen and has experienced frost conditions.

Also some weeds, like capeweed, have a high water content (greater than 90%) and low fibre (neutral detergent fibre of less than 35%) and this can result in loose faeces (Table 1).

To reduce these risks, avoid introducing hungry stock and consider feeding roughage to reduce intake of the weeds.

Delays in grazing can lead to partial weed recovery, lessening the effect of the treatment. To ensure adequate and timely grazing, consider boxing mobs of animals together. If multiple paddocks are to be treated, a staged spraying program should be considered.

Table 1: Feed quality of capeweed throughout the growing season.

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