Each BREEDPLAN EBV is accompanied by an EBV accuracy. This provides a measure of the stability of the EBV, while also giving an indication of the relative amounts of information that have been used in the calculation of the EBV.

The higher the EBV accuracy, the less likely it is to change as additional information on the animal and/or its relatives comes into future BREEDPLAN analyses.

As a general rule, animals should be compared on EBVs regardless of EBV accuracy. Where two animals have similar EBVs, the one with higher accuracy may be the less risky choice (assuming all other factors are equal).

In practical terms, most young bulls at a single vendor sale can be expected to have similar levels of EBV accuracy, as they will have had similar levels of performance recording and are unlikely to have any progeny. In comparison, older bulls with their own performance recorded progeny, including AI sires, will typically have higher EBV accuracies. Whether you choose to use younger bulls with lower EBV accuracies or older AI bulls with higher EBV accuracies should depend both on:

  • Your tolerance to risk
  • The individual mating scenario

For example, some producers may choose to use a bull with higher accuracy Calving Ease EBVs over first-calf heifers.